This is a prophetic Ministry to the Church of Jesus Christ in these last days. We believe that God is calling his people out of division and is ready to restore the unity of the faith and the purity of the Gospel. We as Christian disciples are called to humble ourselves together before God. This is where the last days Church begins. It is not a new denomination God is restoring the foundations of his Church. In these pages you will find many of the necessary understandings for this to happen. These studies and audio teachings are different from any thing you have heard before and you will see by the spirit of God through the Word that these things are true. We are calling those who call themselves christian to come to humble ourselves before God that we may be one Body so that the world will believe that God sent Jesus.

 "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent" John 17:21



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